In a world where chaos and complexity often reign, the concept of simplicity is like a breath of fresh air. National Simplify Your Life Week encourages us to step back, reevaluate our choices, and find ways to make our lives more streamlined and less overwhelming. One fantastic way to achieve this is by focusing on energy usage and finding ways to save energy while simplifying our daily routines. Not only does this approach contribute to a greener planet, but it also lightens the load on our wallets. Let's explore some practical strategies that homeowners can adopt to simplify their lives while reducing their energy consumption.

Unplug and Reconnect

Our homes are brimming with energy-draining devices that stay plugged in, even when not in use. Simplify your life by taking a moment to do an energy audit of your home. Unplug chargers, appliances, and electronics that aren't actively being used. Creating the habit of unplugging can save you a surprising amount of energy over time. Consider using smart power strips that automatically cut power to devices when they're in standby mode to make this process even simpler.

Master the Art of Minimalism

Simplicity often goes hand in hand with minimalism. Decluttering your living spaces not only brings peace of mind but also makes cleaning and organizing a breeze. By minimizing the number of objects in your home, you reduce the need for excessive lighting and ventilation. Continue reading...


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Don’t get caught unprepared when winter rolls in with our customer-only complimentary heating system preventive maintenance check!

  • Agway natural gas customers can schedule their primary heating system preventive maintenance check before November 10, 2023.
  • If repairs are needed, you can rely on your EnergyGuardTM coverage.  


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