Winter’s hard on all of us, especially cats and dogs. Because they can’t adjust the thermostat, their safety and warmth depend entirely on you. But if you can’t be home to run the furnace all day, you’ll need an energy-efficient strategy to protect them from the cold. Here are a few simple ways to keep your pets snug and happy this winter.
Raise Their Bed Off the Floor Sleeping on a cold floor is terrible for your pet. It’s not only uncomfortable, but in extremely low temperatures, it puts them at risk of hypothermia. Elevating their bed a few inches prevents heat loss and ensures a good night’s sleep.
Buy a Self-Warming Bed Modern pet beds are more than a soft place to snuggle up. They use reflective insulation to absorb and redirect your pet’s heat back to them, ensuring they stay warm throughout the night.
Lay Down Extra Blankets Dogs and cats love to burrow under blankets when it’s cold, so leave a few on your couch, bed, or wherever else your pet likes to snuggle ‒ the thicker and softer, the better. Be wary if you have a puppy, however. Because they love to chew on loose items, any blankets you set down might quickly get torn to shreds.
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